Category: Motherhood

Cash’s First Year

Well here we go, cue the tears! I can’t believe I’m about to write a post about Cash’s FIRST YEAR. I have a one year old!?!? And now cue all the cliche sayings: “It goes by so fast,” “Before you…

Cash’s Cake Smash

Since I started thinking about Cash’s first birthday months ago, I’ve had a vision in my head for his birthday photos.  I figured since my child crushes food anytime you set something in front of him, that he was going…

DockATot Product Review

Okay, so let me first start off by saying that Cash did not have a DockATot from 0-9 months and I am kicking myself! The DockATot is a multi-functional lounger, co-sleeper and playtime lounger. Cash did not sleep well for…

Cash’s Wardrobe Roundup

Ive had so many of you ask about Cash’s wardrobe and where I shop for him. Honestly, I shop EVERYWHERE for him.  Of course I have favorite stores and in this post I’ll share all of that with you, along…

Cash’s Nursery

HAPPY BLOG LAUNCH DAY! One of my first posts I’ve had in mind for awhile is about my sweet boy’s Nursery.  When we found out we were having a boy, I knew I wanted his nursery to be super neutral…