DockATot Product Review

Okay, so let me first start off by saying that Cash did not have a DockATot from 0-9 months and I am kicking myself! The DockATot is a multi-functional lounger, co-sleeper and playtime lounger. Cash did not sleep well for the first 4 months of his life. He HATED his crib, even for naps.  We had the most adorable, picture perfect bassinet from Pottery Barn, set up for him in our bedroom. It was a huge FAIL. He loved our arms and our bed.  Oh how I wish I would have had this little miracle worker, DockATot, so the endless nights of holding him and fearing that one of us would fall asleep with him, didn’t exist.

Last month we received our first DockATot Grand in the mail and it has served its purpose of a “lounger” so perfectly in our home.  Cash is almost 11 months old now and sleeps sound in his crib all night long. However,  every morning upon waking, he’s waiting for that bottle to hit his lips.  My husband and I like to take full advantage of those 20 minute bottles and turn on the cartoons and drift back to sleep for a few. Anyone feel me? Every minute of sleep counts these days.  Since receiving the DockATot Grand, it’s been so nice to put it in the middle of us in bed while Cash lounges for a bit.  Before, he would get frustrated in our bed and was unable to get comfortable. And yes, it’s just not safe to have your baby laying next to you in bed. But sometimes as a busy mama, you do what you can, right!?


Not only does Cash lounge in bed with it, but he loves playing and and snacking on it too! Because it’s so easy to move, it goes everywhere with us in the house.  Mostly, it lands in the playroom where Cash crawls all over it and sometimes even puts his head down on the cushion for a rest.  And let me tell you, this mama joins right in on the lounging.  YUP, the DockATot Grand is such a perfect size for adults to lay their head back on and enjoy watching their littles do circles around them.

The quality of this product is outstanding.  It is so durable with its 100% cotton fashion sheets. All covers are machine washable, and that right there is a win for any parent! It’s also tested for breathability which makes me rest assured that Cash is always safe while lounging in our bed. You can tell the minute you take it out of the package that this all natural product it is handmade with love.  And the designs that are available today are so trendy and gorgeous.


I love and appreciate a well-made baby product and a brand with a mission to provide complete safety and functionality. This product makes it so easy to function at home with your little one. I hope this helps with your decision about whether or not you want one. Because trust me, YOU DO!


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