Happy Monday babes! Thought I’d make the beginning of the week a little more exciting by sharing an amazing corporation with you all! I recently discovered these awesome reusable bags on Instagram that instantly grabbed my attention. The “Apolis Market Bag” is a unique twist to all those reusable bags we see in everyday life that have become so popular. I’m always looking for something other than the “norm” of course something with style! Not only are these bags adorable, but they are created with purpose! Apolis’ model is that of, “Advocacy Through Industry.” AKA they believe the power of business can create social change. I couldn’t agree more and love the concept behind this specific bag. With each purchase of a Market Bag, you’re supporting their “Bangladesh Project.” This project provides women of Saidpur, Bangladesh with fair-wage jobs and profits from the sales go to other educational and socaial projects in the community! The best part? This isn’t the only community that Apolis supports with his idea.

Head over to apolisglobal.com to learn more about all of their designs and to make a purchase for a purpose!!